• 2 Freunde
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    I watched a couple of episodes of Extreme Cheapskates for the first time on Nov 19/14. Very disturbing. One guy was filling his huge Jeep's gas tank while the engine is running (so he would save money by not re-starting the engine after filling up!). The Jeep he was driving looked like a big gas guzzler. To my knowledge, in Canada you are not allowed to fill your gas tank with engine running. You could cause an explosion and blow your money-saving ass to smithereens. KA-BOOOM!

    On another episode today, a guy was checking gas prices around the USA before travelling and decided to fill up a 5 gallon container to take with him! Yikes! As far as I know, in Canada it is illegal to carry a container of gasoline in your vehicle. The fumes could fill the interior of your vehicle and if someone has a smoke in the car your money-saving ass would be roasted in a flash fire.

    I watched one more episode where a couple shared the same piece of dental floss to save money. Eewww! I almost threw up...That is the end of watching this TV series for me. Someone needs to call the producers and tell them to wise up. The companies that sponsor this show must be completely out of touch with reality....they themselves could save a lot of money by stop advertising on this show...

    • 160 Freunde
    • 223 Beiträge

    I know, right? I saw a commercial for it where they were doing self-dentistry with tools they found at garage sales.  These people are DANGEROUS!

    • 59 Freunde
    • 159 Beiträge

    Ha - that's hilarious.  I just watched the show for the first time last night.  I hit it while channel surfin' and after 10 minues I had to shut it off.  Add it to the list of "train wreck" shows that are so popular right now...I'm looking at you, Hoarders!

  1. WELL!  Now I know better than to peruse the Talk Topics during lunch.... the sharing of dental floss really was too much for me hahaha

    • 1814 Freunde
    • 585 Beiträge

    OMG, Dana did you just say "Sharing Dental Floss"?! Yuck! I couldn't even re-use my own dental floss. I'm grossed out. K, I have never heard of this show, is it a Canadian or American show?

  2. I've never seen it... but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's American... ;)

    • 49 Freunde
    • 262 Beiträge

    It's really disgusting. I'm talking people serving dinner guests food they "free-cycled" from dumpsters behind grocery stores and bakeries. If you want to eat that way yourself, go for it, but don't submit other people to it. Who knows how long it's been there or what kind of vermin have been at it?

    • 35 Freunde
    • 100 Beiträge

    Oh yes,I watch this show just to see how far some people go.my husband hates it though. He would rather watch the highways from hell lol

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