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    • 14. Jan. 2021
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      After my experience with ERA Downey Mc Carthy, I can say that you should not trust these people. It starts with the fact that ERA Downey Mc Carthy collects a fee of 500(!) euros to allow you to apply for a flat. The small print says that ERA Downey Mc Carthy will withhold the fee if all the required documents such as tenant references and certificates from the employer have not been received after three days. The fee will be withheld if you withdraw your application.

      It is a shame that this practice is legal in Ireland. Yet, some agencies refrain from such unethical and exploitative practices - ERA Downey MC Carthy is undoubtedly not one of them, as their business model is designed precisely for this form of exploitation.

      ERA Downey Mc Carthy misled us from the beginning by putting not the real flat online. We only had chosen the flat since it was still an improvement for us.

      On the day they handed over the keys, I found a flat with broken windows and the plastic bathtub had cracks on the floor and was therefore leaking. The window in the bathroom and the bedroom window almost fell out of the frame when I opened them because the hinges were broken. I then sent K. an email asking her to postpone the move-in date, as the flat still had defects. Not insignificantly, they had not repaired the day before moving in, even though it was put online two months before.

      K. from ERA Downey McCarthy disliked my objection at all. She replied that I should not open the windows for three weeks - after that, they will repair the windows. I told her that it was January and that we need to ventilate the bathroom to prevent mould.

      K. reaction to this was a furious phone call. She literally screamed through the phone that the broken windows were no reason at all to complain and that I was only creating problems that didn't exist. In a calm voice, I pointed out that broken windows were not a non-issue and that she had plenty of time to replace the windows and fix the heating before the lockdown. K. now became even more indignant and shouted at me not to explain her job because after all the flat is fine, and I have no right to complain. But that was not the end of it; she asked me in a sharp tone if we wanted to move in. I replied, yes, the contract is signed, and of course, we want to move in, we only insist that the windows and heating will be repaired when we move in. Now K. was saying in all seriousness that she knew so many people out there who wanted the flat and that I should be grateful that we got it. Besides, the neighbours downstairs also had the problem, and yet they wouldn't complain.

      She repeatedly asked me if I wanted to move in, and I gave her the same answer by referring to the mutually signed contract, but for her, the contract, which she had signed, seemed to be only a one-sided obligation. After all, she told me, ERA Downey Mc Carthy can unilaterally terminate it at any time (it means a contract in force is a one-way street for ERA Downey Mc Carthy with no obligations of its own). "David," she said, "this is not a good start, do you want your money back?

      I was shocked at this unprofessional attitude and her understanding of the law with which she suddenly put us under considerable pressure. I thought about it for a moment, as there was a lot at stake for my wife and me:

      We had just given the notice to leave our flat and had already moved some things over. After all, it was not a question of repairing a television or a camera. Still, something quite existential like a house, and suddenly, someone was threatening to put us in such a precarious position for pure viciousness.

      Not wanting to jump to conclusions, I said we would move in and ended the conversation. My wife had overheard the conversation; after all, she could not ignore her screaming. However, after a moment's consideration, we decided to withdraw our notice for our current flat and not move to Cobh for the time being. Luckily, our landlord played along, and the foul-mouthed lady from ERA Mc Carthy immediately agreed to our request and assured us they would transfer the money back.

      ERA Downey MC Carthy advertises with the slogan "People you can trust".
      On the other hand, I say ERA Downey Mc Carthy are the least people you must trust. ERA Downey Mc Carthy's business model is designed to exploit tenants, the broken and barely regulated Housing Market, unfortunately, allows ERA Downey Mc Carthy to continue their unethical actions unchecked.

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    • 1. Aug. 2019

      Very dodgy agency. On our application for a rental apartment, Choices asked us to pay a non-refundable holding deposit. We refused to pay this as this against our business ethics. My partner and I come from countries where such exploitative business practices are uncommon and even prohibited. A broker in Germany would immediately lose his license for such practices. An agency which requires a holding deposit should is dubious and not trustworthy. From my experience with Choices, I conclude most of the 5-star reviews are fabricated by themselves. Stay away from these guys as long as they do not refrain from such exploitative business practices.

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    • 16. Feb. 2014
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      Wer einmal bei Lasergame Mainz war, wird mir recht geben! Lasertag liegt voll im Trend und macht irre viel Spaß! Lasertag ist der reinste Nervenkitzel und pures Adrenalin! Das Spiel selbst und die futuristisch gestallte Halle in Mainz Hechtheim, geben dem Gamer das Gefühl, als sei man selber Teil eines Computerspiels. Anders als bei vielen anderen Lasertag Arenen in Deutschland bekommt bei Lasergame Mainz jeder Spieler eine hochmoderne Laserausrüstung, die sich in einem Top-Zustand befindet. Benutzt werden bei Lasergame Mainz die aus "How I Met Your Mother" bekannten Phaser der Firma NexusPRO sowie zwei "Tourette-Kanonen" und ich glaube, das damit sind sie bisher sogar die einzigen in Deutschland. Sobald man die Laserausrüstung übergeschnallt hat und sich in einmal ins Spielfeld wagt, beginnt der absolute Overthrill! Einmal angefangen, kann man von Lasertag nicht mehr genug bekommen! Ich bin von Lasertag angefichst und werde definitiv wiederkommen! Die Arena von Lasergame Mainz bietet für Gamer, Actionliebhaber und Science Fiction Fans perfekte Rahmenbedingungen für jede Menge Spielspaß! In der ganzen Umgebung gibt es keine Arena, die nur annähernd so groß ist und so viel Spielspaß bietet! Anscheinend hat sich der Trend nun rumgesprochen, dass die Halle am Wochenende häufig ausgebucht ist. Studenten, Selbstständigen oder Schichtarbeitern empfehle ich deshalb auch unter der Woche zu kommen.

      Deshalb Thumbs up für Lasergame Mainz! Für mich kommt keine andere Arena in Deutschland mehr in Frage!

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    • 14. Juni 2013
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      Eine kurze Internetrecherhce reicht aus und jeder weiß, mit was für Leuten man es zu tun hat:
      SMS Abzocke oder Pornoabos für 7,99,- EUR die Woche tausende Betroffene können ein Lied davon singen. Mit dreisten wie professionellen Methoden führt die Netmobile AG gekonnt Verbraucher in die Irre.
      Und das Schlimme dabei ist, dass die Provider wie Telekom oder O2 an diesen miesen Gaunereien mitverdienen!

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    • 3. März 2013

      Auch wenn auch wenn eigentlich schon alles gesagt wurde, so möchte ich festhalten, dass besonders der Pomdöner eine absolute Frechheit ist: 4 Euro für abgezählte Pommes mit ein bisschen Fleisch und Curry-Sauce geht gar nicht!

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